Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Digital Native Exploration

After you have four questions on your own...

Go here and click on the tab that represents your group.

Watch one clip, write three more questions.

Watch another clip, write three more questions.

Then get together with your group!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Five

Today you are going to create an online presentation and embed it into a blog called "My Five." I will help you with the steps below, so relax, be creative and have fun with this presentation.

Step 1: Select one of your images to alter with some effect. Go here and follow the directions; save the new image to your computer.

Step 2: Use Power Point to create a slide show; use one image per slide for a total of five slides. Do not put any words on your Power Point presentation. Save the Power Point presentation to your computer.

Step 3: Go here and create an account. ("Register" is on the top right of the screen.) Once you have an account, follow the directions on the site: Upload your presentation, Comment*, then Embed it in your blog.

*Comment on your presentation means explain each slide. Explain how each image represents you. You will need the microphone on your headphones to do this step.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Enroll in Quia

Your instructor requests that you enroll in the following class:

Class: oss910
Code: AGFKFC477

Step 1. Go to the Quia Web site at http://www.quia.com/web.

Step 2. Now, click the area labeled Students. Click the link Create my free account. Fill out the form that appears. Select "Student" as the account type. When you are done, press the Create my account button. Make your user name and password the same as it is for Odyssey Ware.

Step 3. You should now be in the Student Zone. Type in the class code AGFKFC477 in the text field and press the Add class button. Now you're done!

Now that you have registered for your instructor's course, you can view your class web page, take quizzes, view your quiz results, view time spent on Quia activities, and read your instructor's feedback from your Quia account.

Follow these steps to view your results:

Step 1. Log in to your account. (Remember, go to the Quia Web home page at http://www.quia.com/web and click the area labeled Students.)

Step 2. Click on the class name.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Couple Of Good How To's From Slideshare

Click on the "browse" tab on the slideshare site and embed two slide shows from that site on a blog called "Good Presentations." The ones you select do not have to be from the How To section

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Online Presentations

go here and create an account

create a PowerPoint presentation with at least 6 slides
it must teach us how to do something- anything

upload your presentation to slideshare

view your presentation on slideshare- make sure it's error free

remember your slideshare user name and password so you can access your presentation

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Are They Blogging About???

Today we are going to see how people around the world are reacting to news. You are going to do a specific internet search to find out what people are blogging in reaction to today’s top stories.

First go to google.com Under the “more” tab at the top center of the page, you select “blogs”

From there, you see a bunch of news stories. Find one story that you think is interesting and read it. Then go back to the google page and click on the green line that says “all # blogs” That is a list of all the blogs where people have written about that topic. Select three to read.

Here’s what you do with all of that. In your journal,
1) Write the title of the news story you read. Say who wrote it and where it appeared.
2) Summarize the major ideas of the story (who, what, where, why, when, how).
3) For each blog you read, write the blog site address.
4) Last but not least, write what you think about the issue.

Here’s a sample:
I read Free Wallace & Gromit episode and more for 20th anniversary of series written by JC Fletcher from joystiq.com. The article says that the makers of Wallace & Gromit made a free game, well free until November 8. They also released something for Xbox that costs $20 instead of $35.

Three blog sites:

I think it’s cool that someone is giving away a free game, but since it’s only for four days, it’s not a super great deal.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Truth According To Cartoons

The way we see the world is reflected in the media...or we come to see the world in the way that the media portrays it. I'm not sure which is the case; maybe it's a little bit of both.

Today you are going to search cartoons and select three. For each cartoon you select, you are going to say:
1) what it means/ what it is saying about the topic
2) if you agree with that sentiment
3) where you found it

Your blog will be called "Cartoon Reality" and it will have 3 cartoons plus the comments described above.

Here's one sample:

*This cartoon is suggesting that even though the media is reporting that the recession is over, not everyone is back on their feet financially. Just because big corporations are reporting profits, everything is not back to normal. People who've lost their jobs have still lost their savings, their homes, their general standard of living.

**I agree with the idea in this cartoon. It's great that car makers and retail stores are earning profits, but many people have lost so much from being out of work that it will take years for them to rebuild "normal" lives.

**This cartoon was created by Randy Bish and it appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. I found this cartoon at PoliticalCartoons.com

Some good sites for finding cartoons are:
msnbc-best of the week
Yahoo Cartoons